The PS4 – What I Like About It & My Collection
Lactobacillus Prime
1253 Videos
I consider myself platform agnostic, I don’t pick sides, not a member of the PC master race nor am I a console fanboy. I am an older gaming who has been around playing video games and who has seen a lot of changes. And I don’t like all I see and encounter. And I highlighted some of the things I don’t like. Now this video is about the things I do like.
The XboxOne and PS4 have their pluses too and games never have looked better on consoles. I love the design of the PS4; I like it much better with 2Tb harddrive that was super easy to install and totally dig my red PS4 controller. Playing No Man’s Sky at a bargain price second hand on it. That would perhaps put a smile on your face. Let’s check out the PS4 stuff that I have and play.
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