Leeds Collectorabilia 2016 (Flinch Bits – 18/09/2016)

Possibly the shortest video I’ve ever done – this is what happens when you only take your iPhone with you with a tiny memory!

However, it was a great deal of fun and I recommend you go when it’s next on: http://collectorabilia.com/

I’ll be making a longer video about the day some time later but I just wanted to put this out!

The people in this vid:

Paul “Big Daddy” C: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZosjxyyiH5G8HOIIZ4r4Kw
Matt “SoulFunkRetro”: https://www.youtube.com/user/SoulFunkRetro
Gruss Newton: https://www.youtube.com/user/RUSS16V2

And like that song? Get it here: https://haveluckgoodfun.bandcamp.com/track/sounds-like-overwatch

Dave (aka InfectedFlinch)

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