Should I Be Enthusiastic About The Nintendo NX? A Waffle On Gaming Today And Tomorrow

What are your thoughts on the matter?

Whilst Nintendo is behaving like a Moloch defending their intellectual property I do love the innovation of the company and they way they dare to be different. I in a way compare Nintendo to Apple as they dare to be different. Both companies also drop support of bodged innovations in a heartbeat.

Nintendo loves consumers to pay again and again for the same games and at the same time they have a good track record providing backwards compatibility. I like the first party franchises as they are quite iconic ever since the early first incarnations of their systems.

I don’t know whether the portable console will be a big hit with the older demography. I myself seem to enjoy the small screen of handhelds less and less – older eyes are less keen on focusing up close.

I love the form factor and library of the 3DS and how it’s backwards compatible with DS games still. I guess for Nintendo it is time to make the next jump in portable gaming but not totally focus on portable gaming solely as this is risky due to the large userbase of casual gamers that gravitated to the mobile phone platforms that won’t opt for a dedicated handheld device.

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