Propeller Arena & Half-Life for Dreamcast – Unreleased games

Hi guys. Just picked up these two repros of the unreleased Dreamcast games, Propeller Arena and Half-Life, in custom PAL cases. Here’s a quick look at the cases and some gameplay of both.

I’d say that Propeller Arena is great and definitely worth buying, what a shame it never saw a release! It looks good, and it’s very fun multiplayer with some friends.
I can’t say the same for Half-Life… Due to the awful control scheme it’s just not fluid enough to play. I’d suggest only picking this up to satisfy your curiosity.
EDIT: As Mark suggested in the comments, the game was designed for use with the keyboard and mouse, so I’m going to give it another bash with those. I’d imagine that’s miles better.
Also, it’s been pointed out that, although intended as an exclusive, after the cancellation of the game Blue Shift was released as a standalone on PC.

If you’re interested, message Gary at for a full price list,

and here’s a gallery of some of the games he offers:

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