Lets Play – Juno First Arcade – High Score Attempt

Fellow Youtubers and good friends LactobacillusPrime (Mark) and The Highlander (Wouter) had a game day where they both got addicted to the arcade classic Juno First, so I thought I would have a go as well.

I used to play this game a lot back in the day in the arcades, usually as I could get further than I could on the Defender machine and it does in a lot of ways have elements that make it familiar. Probably also why Beamrider is one of my favourite home console/computer games, as it must have been heavily inspired by this game.

Make sure you check out both Mark’s and Wouters channels:
Mark: https://www.youtube.com/user/lactobacillusprime
Wouter: https://www.youtube.com/user/wbovela

And of course Interghosts Retro Records site, and maybe post your own score and get on the table:

See general updates on both my web site:
and my Facebook page:

I also do live game plays, usually high score practices on Twitch here:

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