Waffle on 3 topics: Coleco Prototype, Xbox One upgradability and 2 current gen pick-ups

1. Coleco: had M.Kennedy called it a ‘proof’ of concept would things have been different?

2. Upgradable XboxOne?

Taking away the one thing that separates the XboxOne / Consoles from PCs – ease of use (with the current gen that’s already debatable) and a guaranteed solid gaming experience without the need to tweak.
Stratifying the console into separate strands is like flooding the market with multiple versions and people loosing faith in their investments. Backward and upwards compatibility is good but a console only works when the platform has a bit of longevity.
What works for PC doesn’t work for consoles, even though modern consoles are basically locked down PCs. A PC gives the user more degrees of freedom, a console doesn’t. Buying a console at a premium price only to find out it is outdated months later will drive a lot of people away.

A PC gamer likes to tinker, a console gamer for the most part needs a trouble free guaranteed experience that will be there down the line.
It didn’t work for steam boxes (consolized pcs) it sure as hell ain’t gonna work when PClizing a console.
Very stupid call Phill Spencer….

3. Special Edition game and a regular game on a current gen console. Actually bought my first and only Amiibo, or is it the start of an addiction, a disease, a trap I have fallen into?

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