Another 10 Random Gaming Questions Answered – a video response

KITT171 asked us 10 interesting questions:

#1: What two games would you like to see a cross-over of?

#2: What series or game did you try to get into but couldn’t?

#3: Which do you prefer, local co-op or online?

#4: What defunct developer do you wish was still around now?

#5: Favorite handheld overall?

#6: What game did you take a random chance on and ended up really liking?

#7: If you had to go into combat with a game character, who would it be and why?

#8: What game have you most regretted trading away with a friend?

#9: Favorite gaming marketing slogan?

#10: Recommend a great game?

His original video can be found here:

His channel can be found here:

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