[AMSTRAD CPC] Operation Gunship – Longplay & Review (Oliver Twins) HD

Review and longplay / walkthrough for “Operation Gunship” on the Amstrad CPC!

Add me on FACEBOOK here! https://www.facebook.com/xyphoe

And this was another request from the Oliver Twins!! (Most famous for the Dizzy games of course!)

Earlier this week I received an email from Philip Oliver asking if I could do one of my longplay and reviews for this game because there wasn’t much content for it on YouTube and they’re doing their own video shortly! So who am I to say no to the famous Oliver Twins! 😉

The Oliver Twins have started up their own YouTube channel, and have been doing a series of “Let’s Play” videos of their old Amstrad and Spectrum games, make sure you go and subscribe! You can find their channel here – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrgVGc3hfr_b16zXDu9tqUg

Remember, most of their games in the 80’s started out on an Amstrad CPC!

And this includes Operation Gunship! And what a great fun game this is too – loads of explosions and destruction!

Add me on FACEBOOK here! https://www.facebook.com/xyphoe

For more on the Oliver Twins…


(c) Codemasters / The Oliver Twins 1989

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