Retro Response – To KITT171 & Matropolis: Loads of Gaming Questions

A double whammy of a video responses here, first to KITT171 and his revenge of the gaming questions, and then for Matropolis with his 5 gaming questions for the community.

KITT171’s original video and questions –

1. What game do you think would have been made better by a different dev and which one and why?
2. What would you have done differently at Atari?
3. You are about to leave on a long plane trip to somewhere; what handheld do you take and what three games to keep you from getting bored?
4. If you could choose any game character to be your personal assistant for one whole day, who would it be?
5. Have you ever been in some kind of gaming tournament?
6. What are some GOOD and fun to play sports games?
7. If you could rename any system, console or handheld, what would you call it?
8. You are miraculously faced with a group of zombies coming at you, on a table next to you there are five different weapons from various games, which one do you choose?
9. Were you ever prohibited from playing violent/mature themed games when you were a kid?
10. If you were not into gaming, what hobby or other interest would you pursue as you do with gaming?

Matropolis’s original video and questions –

1. What RPG character class would you choose to be in real life?
2. You’re competing against your friend in an arcade game. What is more important to you? Obtaining the higher score or progressing further?
3. If you had the opportunity to publish your own video game what would it be?
4. What is your favourite weapon in a game?
5. Do you take the hero or villain path in video games?

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