SEGA Tunes: Addams Family Values (Mega Drive) – OST

Addams Family Value full OST for the SEGA Mega Drive by Ocean Software (1995) Not a great game but it has some cool dark sounding music in it, fitting really. Recorded from real hardware using a Model 1 Genesis/Mega Drive High Definition Graphics system for best sound quality and fidelity. Play at 1080p setting for best sound! Track listing and time-codes below.

1. SUNSOFT LOGO: 00:00
2. Addams Family Values (Theme): 00:10
3. Dangerous Terrain: 00:48
4. Dark Dungeons: 04:28
5. Creepy Creatures: 07:13
6. Deadly Flowers: 08:22
7. Sea of Cursed Trees: 09:56
8. Sandy Wasteland: 12:28
9. Neverending Rain: 16:02
10. Strobia – Silent Guardian: 18:12
11. Moutain Petrified: 19:39
12. Blizzard: 21:27
13. House of the Dead: 23:35
14. Haunted Halls: 28:18
15. Staff Roll: 30:57
16. Game Over: 34:27
17. Unused Track: 34:38

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