Yackchat 01 – Teletext and Gaming with Paul Rose AKA Digitiser’s Mr Biffo

Digitiser 2000 – http://digitiser2000.com

Yackchat is very proud to welcome teletext gaming legend Paul Rose AKA Mr Biffo to the barn for a lovely chat about running the world’s most popular teletext video games magazine.

In this inaugural edition of the yakkiest podcast, you will learn about Mr Rose’s literary and artistic influences, where the name ‘Biffo’ comes from (a clue: it’s not a mis-spelled gravy brand) and a lot more stuff you never thought to ask about.

Bonus for this YouTube edition: a selection of classic Digitiser pages. Thanks to Ant @superwonderstar for the first edition of Digi plus a load more pages from his personal stash.

Mr Biffo on Retro Unlim Live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_iiG3zqs6M

Intro theme by Rail Slave: http://twitter.com/railslavegames


Download this episode as mp3 here – (right click, save as):

Retro Unlim download links coming soon.

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