Tag VR to Infected Flinch & JL76gaming “You can’t take it with you…”
1138 Videos
This time a double response, to Infected Flinch (http://tinyurl.com/mmowf8n) who originally came up with these very melancholy questions and JL76gaming (http://tinyurl.com/pufex5t) who tagged me to do a video response. I have selected TRexSpaceStation and ChannelSwifts next to do responses! The four questions:
1. Do you struggle buying games? If so why?
2. Have you regretted trading in a game?
3. If you could play a game again, knowing nothing of it, what would it be?
4. Finally, if you had to be buried with one console, what would it be?
Gameplay in video is from Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder (Arcade).
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