[AMSTRAD CPC] Megablasters – Longplay & Review (Part 1)

Review and longplay / walkthrough for “Megablasters” on the Amstrad CPC! Part 1!

The highest rated game on the Amstrad! #1 in many peoples lists of best games on the Amstrad including mine! Given we’ve just celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the CPC it’s about damn time I took a look at it!

This is basically Bomberman / Dynablasters on the Amstrad, a home brew game (by Odiesoft) but sold in magazines in 1994 by Radical Software – so arguably could be considered a commerical release and therefore the last ever commerical release on the CPC!

The game is absolutely massive, nearly a 1MB in data which for an 8-bit computer is HUGE!! Takes up 4 sides of 2 disks.

Such a simple game, but so fun … and amazingly programmed.

Next part I’ll take a look at the 4 player multiplayer which really puts it at the top of the chart! Along with a few more Worlds!

(c) Odiesoft / Radical Software 1994

Odiesoft website with huge amounts of information about the game –


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