Re: 10 Gaming Questions Thingy – Chris Hack (Westcountry Retro Collector)

His channel:
The question video:

Here are the ten questions in order:
1. You have to spend a year living on a desert island; which three gaming characters would you take with you and why?

2. Your favorite game console or computer of all time and your reasons why?

3. Your biggest gaming regret?

4. Which popular gaming franchise have you never played and why?

5. What is your most important gaming platform of all time and why?

6. What is your most treasured item in your gaming collection?

7. When was the last time a game really impressed you?

8. How important is social media in the world of gaming?

9. List three games that truly suck and the reasons why?

10. If you could own any classic arcade machine which one would it be and why?

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