10 Video Game Questions – a VR to Herbieass double-o-seven
Lactobacillus Prime
1262 Videos
A video response to 10 awesome questions asked by Herbieass double-o-seven in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tsr6KmVxOWQ
The 10 questions are:
1) Who is your default mk character?
2) What is the worst game you’ve spent the most time playing?
3) Biggest hobby outside of gaming?
4) Do you tone down your accent for YouTube?
5) An interesting fact the gpoyt don’t know about you?
6) If money wasn’t an issue would you collect everything?
7) Are you a collector or a gamer?
8) Do you/will you encourage your kids to game?
9) Will you be making yt vids in 5 years time?
10) Shout out 3 youtubers you enjoy.
Herbieass double-o-seven’s channel can be found here:
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