Transformers Hot Rod G1 Reissue toy review

Transformers Hot Rod G1 Reissue toy review by Odd Pod

This toy review is of the Hasbro G1 reissue of the Transformer Hot Rod.

Hot Rod is brash and headstrong, with an overwhelming self-confidence that borders on arrogance. Kup has assumed the role of mentor and advisor to the impetuous young Hot Rod, offering him wisdom and advice when he needs it (though Hot Rod rarely feels that he does, much to Kup’s annoyance). Arcee also serves as a calming influence on Hot Rod, and tends to either worry about him when he is not around, or deride and tease him when he is. Their relationship is antagonistic, but friendly. Exactly how deep Hot Rod’s feelings for Arcee might run is unknown, whether they be friendly, romantic, or otherwise.

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