Retro Waffle – Fanboys, Why all the Hate?

Bit of a moan this one, but I talk about why SOME fanboys dish out the dumb abuse and blind defense of their chosen, preferential brand directed at other gamers.

All gamers are fanboys to some extent, it’s something we have all grown up with and we shouldn’t hide it. I believe it is ingrained into us and makes the gaming world more diverse. But as the majority of us game playing folk grow, evolve and learn through experiences and knowledge, we adapt on how to not be so closed-minded to systems in which we don’t feel the ‘thing’ with. So we should conduct ourselves with respect and kindliness at all times, it’s a case of being fair and like-minded, administering criticism in a constructive manner. Keep your favourites to your heart of course, but don’t lapse into puerile bollocks because you feel the unwarranted need to defend the indefensible due to brand loyality. Let’s be gamers, all for one as the cliche goes, and don’t let the small expletive ridden minority tarnish us all.

We Are All Brand Loyalists, Like it or Not. –

Gamers Unite!


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