Atari ST 16Mhz CPU Mod Part 1

The first part of my project to increase the clock speed of the CPU in the Atari 520 STFM. This video covers me fitting the 64 pin DIP socket in order that I can later fit a 12Mhz or 16Mhz 68000 CPU.

The techniques were good, my patience was not, and the 68000 on there had very thin legs. Rather than fake the end results here I thought it better to be open and honest and show how you can totally mangle a 68000 if you aren’t patient. The PCB was undamaged and that was all I was bothered about on this occasion. The process of installing the socket was a success.

Please check out my later videos to see that this was ultimately a complete success and the 68000 in this video didn’t die for nothing =) It’s also important to note that whilst I expected I was going to need a seperate 16Mhz clock I soon discovered there’s a 16Mhz clock which comes from the Shifter chip. Trying to sync an external 16Mhz clock without a PLL was never going to be easy.

You can now buy the 16Mhz CPU and booster board kit from Exxos:-

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