Lets Play – Laydock 2 MSX 2+

While I had the Sony F1 XDJ MSX 2+ machine setup I thought I would have a go at another MSX 2+ only game that I have never been able to play Laydock 2.

It is a disk based game, so as the floppy drive is not working, I have used my MegaFlashRom SD to load the disk images.

This is the only title I have that uses the extended capabilities of the sound processor that was added for the MSX 2+ generation.

Now I have a partially paralyzed right arm at the moment, so my game play is not that good, so if you want to check out more of the game, VampierMSX has done a complete play through in two videos (no commentary) here:

He has quite a few MSX long plays, so check out his channel:

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