My Playstation 4 Ponderings (2-21-13)

After I recorded and uploaded this video, I discovered some articles that indicate that Sony is in fact NOT prohibiting gameplay of second hand games on the PS4 and also that the system doesn’t seem to have to be connected online all the time in order to be able to play the games. That is a HUGE change and improvement for me. And potentially a game-changer when it comes on my stance on the system.

So the comments I make on games being tied to the machine may perhaps not to valid anymore for the PS4 still Microsoft still seems to be on that dead-end streak. Still very little is known about the console and whether physical media is supported at all. If they do they might only release small quantities making it scarce and downloads easier.

So potential good news to me, Playstation 4 will not block used games

Audio track by ZomebieAndy1979

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