[AMSTRAD CPC] Lemmings – Longplay (Part 4 of 4 – MAYHEM Levels)

Lemmings longplay and walkthrough for the Amstrad CPC! Part 4 of 4 – this time the 15 “Mayhem” levels!

Righto… did you catch my previous video? If so then you’ll see me demonstrating (what I’m officially declaring!…) a bug! Which is present in two levels (Mayhem 11 & 12), and also you’ll see a level which is practically impossible to do with having to shave literally milliseconds everywhere (Mayhem 7) – so I’ll be commentating on just those 3 levels to describe what is going and what I’ve done. I couldn’t wait any longer for someone to do a bug fix and patched release sorting out the fatal bugs in Mayhem 11 & 12 so a cheat and poke has been used because I want done with this longplay!! However a big big thankyou to METR and Puresox for their assitance and cracking of Mayhem 7 – otherwise I would have given up a long time ago!! CPC Wiki Forum topic in question – http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/games/lemmings!-need-help-with-a-level!/


I’ve also revised my final score for this game, it’s gone down to 9/10 from 9.5/10 due to the aforementioned bugs – a real shame, but still a fantastic conversion that is still worthy of being called one of the best games ever on the Amstrad!!

A conversion of one of the most famous and popular games ever ended up on the Amstrad CPC – and despite it’s limitations this is a fantastic port!

In this version there’s 60 levels in total (much less than the PC and Amiga originals) which are split into 4 sections of 15 levels – Fun, Tricky, Taxing and Mayhem. We will be doing each section (of 15 levels) in parts making 4 videos for this longplay.

(c) Psygnosis 1992



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