Lets get Killed : This week ..Mystical Fighter!

Deja Vu!
I’d uploaded this originally but had really bad sound so basically did a bit of ADR, editing and much sellataping and reuploaded it(aiii , more gremlins , the intro music seems to be gone now (cries!)..I’ll see if I can re-add this tomorrow)
Mystical fighter on the meg.
.ANYWAY..found this gem in a list of mega drive beat em ups and had to track it down .Its probably a “rental” game , in that its great fun , but not really a long term investment
.Its a fun little game though , (although the second level boss makes some VERY dodgy hand gestures …while running around half naked and turning purple…er..odd!
the original video is still up but unlisted at

intro music as always from the excellent http://www.mattmcfarland.com/

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