Amstrad Games I Got For Xmas – My Top 5!

Merry Xmas! I thought I’d share with you all my favourite top 5 games I got for Xmas from parents and family, I got thinking this week about how excited I was getting a new Amstrad game for Xmas and how I miss those times…. wishing that on Xmas day I could again be unwrapping another 8-bit delight. *sigh* I miss those days!!!

I would love to hear your favourite games you got for Xmas too, whether it be on the Amstrad or other systems. These aren’t necessarily the best games ever or those specifically released in the Xmas period, but the ones you got for Xmas anyway and have the most fondest and vivid memories of good and bad.

Other Xmas games that just missed the list –

Dan Dare III
Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade
Return Of The Jedi
Mask II

And some Nintendo Gameboy titles 🙂

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