[AMSTRAD CPC] Ghostbusters – Alternate Disk Version! (With Ending!!)

What’s this? A different version of Ghostbusters on the Amstrad?? Yes indeedy!!

Looks like this was a special disk only version with some notable differences (both good and bad – as explained in the video!) but mainly and most importantly – it includes the ENDING SEQUENCE!!

Big thanks to Tazong for suggesting and remembering there may have been a different version! http://www.youtube.com/user/tazong

This is the disk dump in question – http://cpc-power.com/pages/download.php?fiche=972&dsk=4

And I’ve since found out that this is still only using 64k of memory!

Quite a mystery why there are the differences, as many things are improvements, and a few things that have worsened!!! If anyone knows any more about the tape/disk versions and why they are like they are – LET ME KNOW!!!

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