[AMSTRAD CPC] Daley Thompson’s Decathlon – Longplay & Review

Daley Thompson’s Decathlon on the Amstrad CPC – longplay and review!

On your marks, get set, BREAK YOUR JOYSTICK! And injure your wrists as you waggle away furiously *snigger*. In fact I recorded this commentary live first time but it sounded like I was wanking off 😉 But anyway ….

This early classic from Ocean Software sold by the truck load back in 1985, with teenagers desperate to have a home version of the brilliant and all-conquering Track & Field arcade coin-op. This is the nearest we got at the time, and whilst looking a bit nob these days it did the business. This feels a lot harder than the Speccy and C64 versions. Daley Thompson lended his name to the game off his popularity after winning GOLD in the Olympic games decathlon in 1980 and 1984.

(c) Ocean Software 1985


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