[AMSTRAD CPC] Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles : The Coin-Op – Longplay (+ hidden music added!!) & Review

Teenage Mutant Ninja (Hero … in the UK) Turtles 2 – The Coin-Op on the Amstrad CPC!

VERY special longplay today! There’s already a longplay of the Amstrad version by Axelino on his channel, and if you’ve not played this version before you will hear that there’s no music in game. Shame really, as this is one of the very best arcade conversions and beat-em-ups on the Amstrad. HOWEVER! YouTube user Swainy told me of a topic on the World Of Spectrum forums where they found data on the game disk that contained lots of music! So I asked on the CPC Wiki forums and a very talented programmer by the name SyX on the forums examined the disk and it’s true! There is music data!

So he extracted the music data and we were able to play the tunes via emulator! And they’re EXCELLENT! I ripped each of the tunes to WAV files and recorded my longplay then later I painstakingly edited in all the music where it should be appropriately heard trying to match the arcade original as much as possible. In fact there’s only maybe 2-3 tunes in the arcade version not present here, in total there’s 12 tunes though!

Why wasn’t it used in the game then?

See http://www.worldofspectrum.org/forums/showpost.php?p=416768&postcount=13

So it probably won’t be possible for us to hack the Amstrad version to do the same without really bad slow down. The games plays really fast smooth and brilliant, in fact much smoother than the Amiga version! Why spoil the excellent gameplay I guess?

Also at the end of the video is some bonus footage of 2 player co-op action, and a possible game over sequence 🙂


For more info….

CPC Wiki forums topic –

Original World Of Spectrum forums topic –

(c) Konami 1989 / Image Works 1991

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