[AMSTRAD CPC] The Untouchables – Longplay & Review

Review and longplay for the official film licence movie to game conversion of The Untouchables (1989) to the Amstrad CPC!

A really fantastic product amazingly presented with a great variety in levels that follow the movie and it’s tone and mood exceptionally. Could have been a first rate classic if it wasn’t for levels 2 and 4 being insanely difficult, ultimately they don’t prove fun which may mean you get put off coming back to this game – but with some perseverance (and mapping!) you’ll eventually crack it and feel a great sense of accomplishment! Certainly I’ve been wanting to do this longplay for a few years now!! Had to do a reload on levels 2 and 4 but I can probably do them all in one go now I know the system to beat it 🙂

(c) Ocean Software 1989


As promised here’s the map to level 2 of all the barrels and their sequence – http://gx4000.co.uk/misc/Untouchables_barrels.png

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