[AMSTRAD GX4000] Wildstreets (Speed Run) – Is this the easiest game of all time?

Is this the easiest game of all time??!

In this flick screen scrolling beat-em-up, you play James Taylor and you’re joined by your companion a Panther (who’s pretty much useless) called the “Black Virgin” ?! John Steven, the head of the CIA has been kidnapped and you’re off to rescue him.

In the first half of the game make your way 10 screens at a time to the end of the level and kill the boss (who looks identical to everyone else you encountered!), then after getting to John Steven you need to take him all the way back again.

An absolutely pathetic game … in the first half just jump over the heads of the bad guys and shoot the boss, then on the way back ….. do NOTHING but hold the left direction key!!! Imagine paying £25 for this on cart back in the day … to add insult to injury this was already released on tape/disk for half the price and there’s no difference except a nicer title screen! No point in playing ‘properly’ and dispatching the bad guys, because they just respawn anyway DOH!

For more information please see –

gx4000.co.uk rating : 35%

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